The Pennsylvania State Navy, Inc. is a non-profit organization open to all people regardless of age, gender or race. Anyone may join. However, because much of the unit's activities takes place on the water and with full scale artillery, there are reasonable considerations that should appear to be common sense to most people. Regardless, we still find it necessary to spell things out.
First: In order to crew on board any vessel under the Navy's charge, you must be able to swim and possess the strength and agility necessary to safely work a vessel under laboring conditions.
Second: Because we crew artillery and handle gunpowder, you must be willing to learn and perform a standard gun drill as laid down by the Navy's fighting instructions. The PSN safety guidelines for naval artillery and armed boats can be viewed HERE.
Third: Anyone not capable of working on board a vessel or being part of a gun crew is welcome either as part of an armed land detachment, campfollower or tradesman. You must show you can be useful if you're to be fed.
Fourth: Those wishing to enlist in the Navy must present themselves to the officers and crew of the PSN at an event prior to joining in order to meet the crew and see first hand what it is you're about to get yourself into.
Those wishing to join are required to pay yearly membership dues. The fees for individuals and families are as follows:
Individual membership: $25
Family membership: $45
Out of these dues, $10 from the individual and $30 from the family memberships helps pay for the crew's insurance coverage required for members to attend scheduled events. The remaining $15 is paid into the Treasury to help provide for the Navy's expenses over the course of the year.
~ S A I L O R S , L A N D S M E N & M A R I N E S ~
The Pennsylvania State Navy was made up of the people living in and around the City of Philadelphia during the time of the Revolution. Their occupations, income and national origin were as varied as the vessels they manned. Uniform requirements were non-existent, as the working men and sailors of the Port wore what they had. Some clothing was issued to the men as it became available, but this was never in accordance with any particular mandate or fashion. The only exception were the State Marines, which were described as wearing brown regimental coats faced with green and carrying the accoutrements and arms of the typical soldier of the day.
For the purpose of reenacting, the general rule for being properly clothed is to document and wear the attire of a person living and working in the Philadelphia area in 1775. Where some living history organizations have reason to define a specific uniform standard, the Pennsylvania State Navy does not. Document your clothing as appropriate to the period, region and use, have an understanding of the why's and how's of it all, and present yourself armed with the knowledge needed to support historical authenticity for the benefit of the organization and the education of the public.